Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry.
The poems are limited to 3 lines and 17 syllables.

5 on the first line,
7 on the second line,
and 5 on the third.

I try to write one Haiku everyday.
Most days I fail, but some days inspiration strikes.
Sometimes it gushes for days at a time.
You can never tell when something will touch your heart.

Thanks for spending a moment reading
Haiku from the Heart.

I hope you'll be back to read my words.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Blowing in the wind,
Fifty fair fruit of freedom.
The Stars and the Stripes.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mental Overload

Need inspiration.
But I can't empty my mind
to let it flow in.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pointless Existence - Maybe Not

What is my purpose?
Finding friends that fill my life
with joy. Then, give back.

Pointless Existence - Stuff

What is my purpose?
Buy cool stuff that I can't keep?
That seems pointless too...

Pointless Existence - Time

What is my purpose?
Fill the days with man-made time?
That seems so pointless.